Comprehensive and Modular OHS Solution with a 360° Approach

Sabentis redefines the management of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) with a comprehensive, integrated, and modular solution that goes beyond traditional risk prevention software. Our platform adheres to ISO 45001 standards and guidelines from the International Labour Organization (ILO), providing a complete user experience.

Our modular approach consists of 43 interconnected modules designed to offer maximum flexibility and complete control over OHS management. Advance towards operational excellence and success without straying from your goals, with all the tools you need in one place.

We support you at every stage, ensuring regulatory compliance and maximizing efficiency with:

+ 2500

predefined corrective measures

+ 600

pre-evaluated occupations

+ 1000

dynamic listings to maintain control and supervision of all operations

+ 1800

customizable forms for detailed tracking and management

+ 500

reports and batch processes for analysis and strategic decision-making

+ 1500

automated software quality tests with each new version

Cutting-Edge Technology

Our software incorporates the latest in generative AI and Power BI technology, elevating occupational risk prevention to new standards. The AI anticipates and identifies potential risks, refining safety protocols.

Concurrently, Power BI transforms complex data into comprehensible visual analyses, enabling management based on precise information.

This advanced approach ensures more informed decision-making, enhancing safety and promoting a safer and more productive work environment.

Efficiency, Safety, and Compliance at Your Fingertips

Sabentis combines an intuitive user experience with advanced technology for effective and adaptable occupational health and safety management.

Experience and Trust:

Over 20 years leading the digital transformation of OHS and trusted by 150,000 companies.

Intelligence and Security:

AI tools for predictive analysis and the highest data security with cloud infrastructure and an ISO 27.001 certified platform.

Key Benefits:

Operational efficiency, hassle-free regulatory compliance, reduced occupational risks, and continuous improvement based on data.

The Flexibility of Sabentis

Our Occupational Risk Prevention software is powered by the latest technologies in programming, the same ones used by companies like Google, Microsoft, or IBM. This makes Sabentis an extremely versatile system that adapts to all types of devices.

Integrate All Your Systems with Sabentis

With strategic locations worldwide

Sabentis expands its international reach to offer you comprehensive coverage and borderless assistance in occupational health and safety.

Trust Sabentis,
100% digitize your OSH

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